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Funny puns in 2025

I watched a series of online videos about the sun and the moon
passing each other. E-clips.

What do a dentist and a tennis coach have in common?
– They both use drills!

A man with a stutter went to buy some light bulbs.
– Upon reaching the shop, he asked the seller about the brightness of the light bulbs.
– He asked, “Watt are those?”.

Don’t want none unless you got buns hun…

I hit a tomato and ran.
– The tomato started running after me but it couldn’t ketchup.

A dancing pie is also known as a lemon merengue.

What do you call a hot dog that is designed in an adorable way?
– It’s barbe-cute.

I’m gonna blow your mind.

The dentist loves apple pies because they have a lot of fillings.

Oxygen wanted to date someone mature, so the other elements suggested that she should go carbon dating.

What story do octopus parents read to their kids?
– Octopuss in boots


Yams are absolutely plant-tastic.

Thank you very matcha.

A mushroom car generally makes the sound:
Shroom, shroom.

At my sister’s high school graduation, one kid threw his cap in the air too early.
– My dad turns to me and says, “Oops, Premature Ecapulation.”

Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

Don’t get it twisted.

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