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Funny puns in 2025

Lettuce be seen without dressing.

If you ask a bear what his favorite part of the body is, he’ll say the panda-creas.

Ramen doodle is a popular art for kids.

The best insect swimmer is the butterfly, obviously!

What do you call it when the axe in your hand falls on your feet.

You’re my partner in wine.

If you want to see hamburgers rolling on the floor dancing, visit a meat ball.

The two volleyball players who have just married met in the previous tournament and loved at the first spike.

What do you call an island populated entirely by cupcakes? Desserted

Aqua Sky is a beautiful name for lovers of the color aqua.

My happily ever after.

I once had the king of the jungle tell me he was actually a tiger.
He was lion.

Let’s ride a bony

My favorite music to listen to on Easter is hip-hop.

What do you call a large group of sick pandas?
– A panda-emic.

You are quali-tea!

Swimmer on board.

What do friends and trees have in common?
– They both fall over if you hit them repeatedly with an axe.

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