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Funny puns in 2025

There’s a little shop round the corner that does a roaring trade in removing a single eye from cyclists. It’s called Cycle-Ops.

When soup feels strained and stressed, where would it go?
– A broth-el!

Swallowing a cherry stone is not the end of the world. It’s just one of life’s little pitfalls.

And, Principal called plantain to his office. He was busy into
bananas during lectures.

Heart of Darthness

What do you call a cow that doesn’t produce milk?
– A milk dud.

Q: Which is the strongest animal, snail or elephant. A: Snail because ir carries it home on its back

Let’s get astrophysical

While eyebrows the internet, you moustache yourself the hard questions, and decide whether to mullet over or not!

Look there they are all my scissors. Still sharp and neatly ordered. Said no seamstress ever.

I want to form a hockey team with a bunch of old men named Gerald…
– and call it the “GerryHatTricks.”

Did you know that bread puns always happen when you yeast expect them?

If your not laughing maybe you need to learn the anatomy
of the joke.

Why did all the gym members sign the bike?
– Because it was stationary.

I love broth my parents very much.

They took a cherry (ferry) ride to cross the lake.

Why did the banana go out with the prune?
Because he couldn’t find a date.

Yoda’s favourite day of the year is May 4th.

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