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Funny puns in 2025

Wrote a rap song about anime
– Smoke Weeb Everyday

How were the clown’s tricks?
– Ma-jest-stic!

The other day a cowboy stopped by our house and asked my Dad if he could help him round up 18 cows.
“Sure thing, pardner. That’s 20 cows,” says Dad.

what’s the best butter on the farm ? A goat

“Donut ever let me go.”

What do you call an arctic ice-cold spell at the end of the year?
– Decem-brr!

The only thing that occurs when dragons get bored with strip steaks is a flaming yawn.

A squid with a camera is called a squid Go Pro.

How does Bob Marley like his donuts? Wi’jam in.

 I am sorry, hiss is the end of the line for you.


When Julius Ceasar got defeated by Brutus in ‘Battleship,’ he said, “A2 Brute?”

Cannibals don’t go for ramen
– but rather for rawmen.

You are so unique, you are one in a melon.

Fiction Logic: How many anime dudes does it take to change a lightbulb
– But it takes them 10 god damn episodes.

Friend of mine is an expert in making clown shoes.
– It’s no small feat.

Why did the cowboy adopt a dachshund?
– Someone told him to “get along little doggie”

The walls hoove ears!

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