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Funny puns in 2025

What looks like half a berry?
– The other half.

What’s up, dock?

These puns are turtle-y hilarious

The sunflower seemed really stressed out. I told him to take stalk of his life.

Sunflowers like to whistle through their tulips.

Light-enchanted sunflower, thou Who gazest ever true and tender On the sun’s revolving splendour.

I haven’t got a blue.

When organisms don’t like the rules, they protist.

Na that’s sodium.

History is a lot like Imagine Dragons…
– It’s repetitive, never really good, and somehow only getting worse.

Becoming a vegetarian is a huge missed steak.

You know why there are Gingerbread men and not Gingerbread women ?
It’s the Pastryarchy.

I used to think diabetes was a pain in the butt
– But it turns out to be more of a pain the the fingers.

Yes, I lift. Now ask me how many burgers I can lift.

I don’t work on Sundaes…

Why are Blackberries never lonely?
– Because they hang around in bunches.

What is blue and goes up and down?
– A blueberry in an elevator!

You’ve got the lips of a Jynx!

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