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Panda puns in 2024

What’s black, white and very noisy?
– A panda with a set of drums

That panda has a special nickname for his girlfriend. He calls her his bam-boo!

What did the panda say when forced out of its natural habitat?
– “This is un-BEAR-able!”

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Ima who?

Did you know that you only need two letters to spell Panda?
– You just need P and A.

What do you call a male panda?
– Amanda!

Pandas have fur coats, because they’d look pretty stupid in leather jackets.

What color socks do bears wear?
– They don’t wear socks; they have bear feet!

Who’s a panda bear’s favorite poet?
– William Shakesbeare.

What does a ghost panda eat?
– BamBOO!

What do Chinese bears wear around their face when they’re robbing banks?
– Pandana!

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