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Pasta puns in 2024

What do you call a funny bone?
-A humerus.

An impasta usually makes a dish of faked ziti.

I asked the waiter how long my spaghetti would be.
-He said he didn’t know but would measure it.

Did you hear that Kate ate three bowls of spaghetti?
-No, but I wouldn’t put it pasta!

The Pope’s favorite type of pasta is Holy macaroni!

Our local pasta maker is also a master painter.
-She penne-ted a bowl of pasta yesterday.

This pasta is tortellini awesome!

Eating green sauce as a side with pasta is the pesto way to enjoy it.

The usual dress code at any pasta convention usually includes a bowtie.

Pasta la vista, baby.

When a pasta is done, praying it says “Ramen.”

 A pasta dish made with both alfredo and marinara sauce is the pasta of both worlds.

The pasta maker could not get into his apartment because he had gnocchi.

A scientist took his dog to work to help experiment on pasta.
– It’s labranoodle!

Upon going for dinner at my favorite restaurant and inquiring about Alfredo, the pasta chef, I was told that he pasta way.

Soldiers never wear armor made out of pasta because they are highly penne-trable.

Pasta la vista baby!

All pasta names should be recorded for pasta-terity.

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