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Pasta puns in 2024

Why did the skeleton start a fight?
-He had a bone to pick.

 I would like you to see how much olive you.

The Italian who got caught red-handed stuffing the ballot boxes at Broadway awards was trying to rig a Tony.

What kind of pasta can grant wishes?

The kind of pasta that always sticks to everything is called clinguine.

 I hate being around spaghetti because they are too saucy.

 I want to pasta time away with you.

The pasta dinner was so good
-It was pre-pasta-rous.

Can you pasta sauce please?

Why does a skeleton always tell the truth?
-What can I say, I’m bone to be wild.

I cut all my pasta in half before eating them to cut some carbs.

Life is all about tasting new kinds of pasta.
-That way you can explore new pasta-bilities.

What would you get if you crossed pasta with a snake?
-Spaghetti wrapped around a fork!

The smallest type of pasta is a length of about a centimeter orzo.

A pasta clown who terrorizes and kidnaps kids is called Penne wise.

 Your future is full of pastabilities.

The pasta meal was tortellini amazing.

The muscular pasta maker who could not lift four tons of pasta sauce was not stroganoff.

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