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Pasta puns in 2024

Hope you gnocchi how great this pasta is.

I am a very old soul because I like to surround myself with pasta people.

You pasta your test!

A scary plate of pasta is called Creepypasta.

The Police still could not al-dente-fy the perpetrator who stole all the pasta after breaking and entering a home.

 I cannelloni believe how good this pasta is.

The most hilarious kind of pasta is called a chortellini.

I walked right pasta and didn’t even notice!

Why did the skeleton start a fight?
-He had a bone to pick.

 I would like you to see how much olive you.

The Italian who got caught red-handed stuffing the ballot boxes at Broadway awards was trying to rig a Tony.

What kind of pasta can grant wishes?

The kind of pasta that always sticks to everything is called clinguine.

 I hate being around spaghetti because they are too saucy.

 I want to pasta time away with you.

The pasta dinner was so good
-It was pre-pasta-rous.

Can you pasta sauce please?

Why does a skeleton always tell the truth?
-What can I say, I’m bone to be wild.

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