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Peach puns in 2024

What fruit can two peaches make?
– A great pear.

Why did the fruits like nectarines so much?
– Because it was such a peach.

The IT peach-guy is an expert in the field of peach synthesis.

If you are wondering about a peach’s favorite video game, well it’s definitely ‘Super Princess Peach’.

What did husband peach say to wife peach?
– “No matter what, a peach of my heart will always be with you.”

Why was the fruit sad on her vacation to the beach?
– Because she forgot to pack her one peach.

This special peach school is for those Peach kids who are suffering from peach and hearing impairment.

Peaches tend to be really mean. After all, they have hearts of stone.

Once, Princess Peach’s favorite pair of shoes broke down,
– so they had to call the peach cobbler to mend it.

Where do fruits like to go on vacations?
– To the peach.

Why did the fruit go to the salon?
– To peach her hair blonde.

The guilty conscience of stealing and consuming a whole peach is getting to me. I feel like there’s a pit in my gut.

Back in the early 2010s, the peach children loved to flock around to listen to Peach Pit.

Time for picking peaches with my best-trees.

Why did the fruit win the debt competition?
– Because it had a great peach.

What did the scientists use for their pie experiment?
– A peach-tri dish.

One should always practice what they peach.

When I got mugged on my way back from the greengrocers, I was peach-less!

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