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Peach puns in 2025

My banana grandad got in an accident last year, he bruised like a peach!

The man continued to eat whole peaches
– because he has a bottomless pit.

What kind of desserts does a turkey like?
– Peach gobbler.

Why did everyone have teary eyes when the manager of the fruit company was retiring?
– Because he gave everyone an amazing farewell peach.

A fruit was madly in love, it was peachy–keen.

It is a great idea to ask peaches to make your shoes. After all, they make excellent cobblers.

If you are wondering about the fuzziest character in the gaming world, well it is definitely Princess Peach.

What happened to the peach whose fuzz got stolen?
– It became a nectarine.

Why did the fruit finish her homework so quickly?
– Because the homework was a peach of cake.

The retiring orchard gardener made a farewell peach that was really heart-warming.

Personally, I like people who peach on time, and are always punctual.

Looks like my peach, which matches the peachy sunset.

What do you call a peach who works at a shoe mending company?
– A peach cobbler.

What did the husband peach tell his wife?
– “Pie love every peach of you with all my heart”.

The nectarine academic is doing a Ph.D. in ‘Peach and Language Psychology’ from the University of Georgia.

Peaches love listening to ‘Papa don’t peach’.

Where do fruits manufacture their money?
– Peach Mint.

Which song do fruits jam to?
– Stronger with peach tear.

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