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Penguin puns in 2025

What’s black, white, black, white, black, white, black, white?
– A penguin rolling down a hill.

What would you call a penguin with no I?
– Pengun.

Where do penguins go to watch movies?
– At the dive-in.

Which fish do penguins eat late at night time?
– Starfish

What do you give to a penguin that’s ill?
– Some medical tweetment.

What is a penguin’s favorite movie?
– Frozen.

How does a penguin build his house?
– He Igloos it together.

Why do penguins wear glasses?
– To help their ice-sight.

Q: Who is a Penguin’s favourite pop star?
– A: Seal.

Why are penguins good race car drivers?
– They are always in pole position.

Where do penguins keep their money?
– In a snow bank, of course!

What do a group of penguins do to help them make a difficult decision?
– Flipper coin.

Where does a 500 pound penguin sit when he’s resting?
– Anywhere he wants!

Why do penguins 🐧 carry fish 🐟 in their beaks?
– Because they don’t have a pockets.

What do penguins catch at night?
– Starfish.

Why are penguins good race car drivers?
– Because they are always in pole position.

What do you give to a penguin that’s ill?
– Some medical tweetment.

How does a penguin cook burgers?
– With his flippers.

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