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Penguin puns in 2024

How did the penguin pass its driving test?
– It winged it!

What do penguins eat at night?
– Starfish.

Why would a penguin cross the road twice?
– To prove he isn’t a chicken.

Q: What’s black and white and goes round and around?
– A: A Penguin in a revolving door.

How does a group of penguins make a difficult decision?
– Flipper coin.

Where do penguins go dancing?
– The Snow Ball.

Can a penguin fly?
– No, but a toucan.

How do you get down off an penguin?
– You don’t – you get down off a duck

What kind of fish do penguins eat at night?
– Star fish.

what’s a penguin’s favourite relative?
– Aunt Arctic

What is a penguin’s favorite Mexican food?
– Brrrrrr-itos.

Why did the penguin cross the road?
– To go with the floe.

What does a penguin do when it loses its tail?
– It goes to a re-tail store.

Why is it best for 2 penguins who are stuck in a nest to always be nice and respectful to one another?
– They don’t want to fall out.

Why do penguins wear glasses?
– To help their ice-sight.

Why don’t you ever see any penguins in Britain?
– Because they’re afraid of Wales.

Where do penguins go to dance?
– The Snow Ball.

Q: Why do two Penguins in a nest always agree?
– A: Because they don’t wanna fall out.

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