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Photography puns in 2024

If you want to make easy money, just take photographs of salmon dressed in human clothes.
– It’s like shooting fish in apparel

It is possible to make a camera blush, you just need to show it a film strip.

Be careful with photographers, they tend to have mood swings. Sometimes they start snapping for no reason!

You can’t not say it
In a freak accident today,a photographer was killed when a huge lump of cheddar landed on him. To be fair,the people who were being photographed did try to warn him.

Sadly I cannot pay you for your photography services, but I am hoping you will do it for the exposure.

My dad always keeps his camera pointing out towards the river, he likes to keep up with current events.

What concert costs just 45 cents?
– 50 Cent featuring Nickelback!

Santa is a great photographer, he loves to take photos with his North Polearoid.

One of my friends is a keen photographer, in fact that’s all she talks about, you can’t shutter up.

Today I found out hunters and photographers have a lot in common
– They both sit and wait in bushes to shoot animals

I know a guy who was arrested for stealing someone else’s photos, but I think he was framed.

I hate how all my fairy photographs have really bad quality…..
– They’re all so pixielated.

I met a pessimistic photographer the other day…
– He wouldn’t stop talking about negatives.

If you want to make easy money, just take photographs of salmon dressed in human clothes.
– It’s like shooting fish in apparel.

I once got beaten up by a photographer
– I still get flashbacks

The photographer was knocked out by a giant wheel of cheese which rolled down the hill. Everyone tried to warn him, but he did not seem to notice!

My friend likes to stop by my wind farm and take photographs of my windmills…
– He likes to shoot the breeze.

Did you hear about the photographer that always caught people’s worst features?
– She was a poor-traits artist.

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