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Photography puns in 2025

She had a photographic memory,
– but never developed it.

The first photograph of a black hole was released
– It sucks

I once raced against a Photographer in Finland
– It was a Photo Finnish

What’s a photographers favourite food?
– Cheese

What type of photographs cost money and which ones are free?
– Sell-fees and sell-frees

What type of image format do lion photographers use?

What is the best quality to use when photographing forks?
– 4K

I’ve kept photographs of all my old girlfriends
they’re more attractive than the younger ones.

I bought a reversing camera the other day, it’s amazing! I’ve never looked back since.

The trouble with having nightmares when you’re a photographer is you will keep having flashbacks of it during the day.

I’m going on a healthy living retreat with a group of other photographers, we’re all going on a c-lens.

I tried to take a picture of some fog this morning, but I mist.

I thought I could make a decent living taking photos of the jousting spears that the Renaissance Fair was handing out
Turns out being a free lance photographer isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

If you don’t know how a camera works, you really just need to look into it.

Old photographers retire in an old focus home.

If you want to make easy money, just take photographs of salmon dressed in suits, and sell them online.
– It’s like shooting fish in apparel.

I heard a terrifying legend about the ghost of a photographer which haunts mountains nearby; it made me shutter.

What did the first person in a colored photograph say?
– Color me impressed

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