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Pig puns in 2025

How do pigs write top-secret messages?With invisible oink!

A pig just won the lottery. What do you call him?A filthy rich.

What do 99 percent of pigs ask for on their hamburgers? Piggles.

What do you give a sick pig?oinkment.

What do you call a pig who can’t mind his own business?A nosey porker.

What do you say to a procrastinating pig? Listen, bud, it’s snout or never.

What did the pig say on the warm summer’s day?I am bacon

Where do pigs keep their money? Why in the piggy bank, of course.

There is a filthy rich pig down the road who recently bought up a brand-new pig-up truck.

Why do pigs make awful football players?they dont like playing with pig skin.

What did the little piglet want from the swine?A piggyback ride home

How can you tell you’re in a pig wine bar? Because everything’s swine.

What do you call a pig who does karate? a pork chop.

What do you call a guinea pig that has become a member of the mafia? A hamster.

How do you make a pig really happy on his birthday? Throw him a sow-prize party.

I read a story about pig was all straightforward until i found a twist in tail.

When pigs work together, it’s known as collab-boar-ation.

In football, pigs love to play in the loinback position.

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