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Pink puns in 2025

I almost got pink eye, it’s a good thing that I’m colorblind.

We can’t decide whether to put in soft pink or baby blue flooring in the nursery. You see, we’re having an infan-tile problem.

I’ve been listening to Pink Floyd for an hour.
– I think I’ll skip to track 2 now.

My dad always wears a pink shirt every time he goes jogging. It’s a bit of a running joke in the family.

I want to create a Pink Floyd album cover out of cereal.
– I think I’ll call it the dark side of the spoon.

The American education system obviously listens to Pink Floyd because they’ve sure left those kids a loan.

So this guy goes hunting with his friend and his friend asks why he is wearing pink camo
– He answered, well i went to the camo store and this was the only thing that stood out.

Here is Pink Panther’s to do list: To Do, To Do, To Do To Do To Do To Do, To Doooooooo!

How do use pink, green, and yellow in a sentence?
– The phone went ‘green! green!’, so I pinked it up and said, “Yellow?”

Do you think pink could be a cat’s favorite color?
– No, it’s purr-ple.

If everyone in the country had a pink Cadillac
– We’d have a pink car-nation!

Pink Panther’s house is at the dead end, dead end, dead end dead end dead end dead end dead eeeeeend.

What do the pink panther and mulan have in common?
– Dead hun…dead hun…dead hun, dead hun, dead hun, dead hun, dead huuuuunnnn

What’s the difference between pink and purple?
– Her grip.

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