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Pirate puns in 2025

Prepare to be boarded!


You are such an ARR – ROGANT man 

Why did the pirate buy an eye patch?  Because
he couldn’t afford an iPad!

Lookin’ for booty? Mine’s ready for pillaging.

You are already too PIRATE for the party 

What happens if you take the p out of a pirate?  He becomes irate!

Why did the pirate cross the road?to get to the
second-hand shop.

How did you made so many ARR – RANGEMENTS all alone

What do you call a pirate who skips class? captain hooky.

Stop being like a Des – PIRATE person 

ARR – RANGE your address in your identity proofs

What’s a pirates favourite fish dish?  Pieces of skate!

Yo ho ho! I’ve got a bottle of rum and a penchant for making drunken mistakes.

You are under ARR – REST 

What do you call a pirate with three eyes?  Piiirate!

What print do pirates wear on their socks?Aaarghylee.

I want to buy a MID – ARRRANGE cell phone

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