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Pirate puns in 2024

What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?aye matey.

He was completely boiling with ARR – RANGE when he actually saw you in his party tonight

Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrr!

Wanna see the world’s best pirate booty?

Earth PIRATES on its axis 

What all do you know about COR – PIRATE lifestyle 

What do you call a pirate who steals from the rich and gives to the poor?  Robin Hook!

Why should you never take away a pirate’s p?
because he becomes irate.

ARR you at the back of her 

Why couldn’t the pirate crew play cards?because
the captain was standing on deck.

Could you please tell me that PIE – RATE 

ARR – RANGE is the law of nature

What did the first mate see down the toilet?  The Captains log!

Your Jolly Roger ain’t the only thing ye’ll be raisin’ tonight.

He PIRATE all my food 

Have you ever been in to this COR – PIRATE world 

What do you call a stupid pirate?  The pillage idiot!

Which Star Wars character do pirates like the

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