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Pizza puns in 2025

Oh, I grant you that wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well as pizza

“I a-dough you!” Do you find Costco’s pizza irresistible? 

If your dog was craving a pizza, which pizza would he or she want?

I don’t crust you to make this pizza without burning it, so I’m ordering one.

Have a slice day!

There is no moment in life that can’t be improved with pizza

What does Dr Who eat with their pizza?
– Dalek bread!

What type of pizza do taxidermists prefer?
-Stuffed crust!

Seven days without pizza makes one weak

I don’t crust you to make this pizza without burning it, so I’m ordering one.

Did you hear about the guy who took a second job as a pizza chef?
-He kneaded the dough.

The good thing about pizza is that you can use it as a real-time pie chart of how much you have left.

What do you call a pretend pizza?
– A pepperphony pizza!

You will always have a pizza my heart.

I saw a shop sign that said ‘Wood Fired Pizza’ and I thought “Wood fired Pizza?
-How will Pizza earn money now?”

What did the pizza say to the chef when it was thrown onto the pizza?
– “You don’t pepper-own me!”

What did the pizza say to the pizza cutter?
-You wanna pizza me?

While in Italy, I want to see the leaning tower of pizza

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