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Pool puns in 2025

I’m pool crazy about these summer styles.

Swimming in @hayneedle’s tanks and one-pieces.

A little punny as the weather warms up

Drink Poolside.’ –

“Water you doing this afternoon?” I asked my swimmer boyfriend.

My life splashed before my eyes when I realized, after jumping off the side, that the pool was not deep enough for diving.

The soul fan threw his laptop into the pool and shouted, “Adele, Rollin’ in the Deep”.

Summer may be over, but pool puns are forever.

When you’re at the pool, don’t let the water get you down

Who has two thumbs and a sweet new swimsuit?? Not this tub, but I did ✓️ #swimsuitsforall

Down with this pool

Chicken only swim in a cluck-wise direction.

Water you doing tonight?

While the girl was a national level swimmer, her brother was hydrophobic. They were poolar opposites.

Happy National Pool Month! The only thing better than a refreshing swim is a drink served in the pool.

This day is cool, refreshing, and crisp, just like a swim in the ocean . . . . . #summertime #pooltime #memories #summerday

A little While these next few weeks are bound to feel like kiddie pools, with temps in the high 80s to low 90s. We’ve got just the thing to help you chill out: cold beverages and eats made with

It’s almost swimsuit season. Be a peach and tag your summer pool party pics with #‎swimsuitsforall ‪#‎contest ‪#‎win.

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