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Pool puns in 2025

We’re feeling all water off to celebrate the only thing that makes air conditioning bearable: Ice-cold beverages. #TakeTheFloatWay #HereWeGo

Turning summer into a poolside party, Freezeria and the Ice Cream Truck are rolling into town.

Is Summer unapologetic, overstaying its welcome? That makes us wanna dive in deeper.

Sharing these swimming puns at a summer pool party is the perfect way to have pun in the sun.

I had to give up scuba diving as a hobby after I hit rock bottom.

The children spend most of their holidays in the pool. They get waterver they want.

Let’s go for a dip in our pool. #photochallenge #bluemonday

They don’t call it summer without pool parties

I’m going to need a cold one for this hotshot. #divebargram #hottubbing

Beach Please” is a caption to help a beach rental company stand out from the crowd.

A swim coach and a dentist would make for an excellent pair because they both use drills.

The old man could not swim in the deep pool. So, I shouted, “Water you doing in there?”

Angelenos, it’s time to clear your calendar. There’s a pool party at the Ace Hotel this Sunday

Get back to the basics with good old swimming #payattentiontothepool

Let’s hit “like” on this epic weekend before it gets away #

S’mores by the pool are even more enjoyable when you have friends to snack with. #‎summerfun ‪#‎haveyoursummerfun#‎poolside

Summer’s not over yet—put on your goggles and get in the pool!

You’ve been swimming through my mind all night.

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