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Popcorn puns in 2025

The corn did not want to corn-tinue working in his job because there was a breach of corn-tract.

The land of popcorn should be called a corn-try instead.

When you are out harvesting sweetcorn to make popcorn, watch out for the field. It can turn into a maize.

What’s poppin’?

Popcorn is the corn-erstone of any movie night.

A baby corn calls his dad pop corn.

I was thrown out of the cinema recently for throwing popcorn at the customers. I also lost my job on the popcorn counter.

The popcorn was called the police after being a-salted.

I love butter popcorn because of the butter flavouring.

Some popcorn gets bullied and picked on a lot. They spend a lot of their time feeling a-salted.

I just found out there’s no popcorn in popcorn shrimp I guess there’s no need to try pot roast.

At the mall, you can find shop-corn.

A popcorn’s favorite holiday is In-the-pan-dance Day.

The corn-vict was prosecuted in court for mis-cornduct.

Sweetcorn farmers tell the most terrible puns. They are always so corny.

Baby corn, mama corn, and popcorn.

Only the cream of the crop can become kernels.

We’re here for the drama.

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