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Popcorn puns in 2025

Prosecutors pressed charges against the popcorn maker today assault and buttery

They were corn-ducting a field day for the corn students in school today.

I am so happy I won the popcorn eating corn-test.

Have you heard about the new fake cinema snacks doing the rounds? They’re called Corn-on-the-con.

Thanks for the pop-portunity.

Don’t ever trust corn for good advice when you are in a soup. They are wet behind the ears.

The corniest baseball player is Ty Cobb.

My date said she’d sleep with me if I kept making popcorn puns. Butterkist her instead.

You’re a-maize-ing.

The name of a dance party in a cornfield should be called a cornball dance.

A famous celebrity popcorn is called a popstar.

I felt that I was being stalked when I visited the corn maize. It was so earie.

My son has a great recipe for popcorn stuffed duck. He calls it Quacker Jacks

The angry popcorn got offended at the jokester who cracked a corny joke.

The corn farm dog was actually part husky.

I went to the cinema the other day, and was astonished to see some of the snacks jumping up and down. Apparently they’re called Hopcorn.

Popcorn is grown at high elevations because that’s where the ears are popping.

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