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Pretzel puns in 2025

You have a twisted sense of humor.

Rainbows only appear after the grain.

What secret society loves to eat pretzels?
– The Illumi-Knotty

What secret society loves to eat pretzels?
– The Illumi-Knotty.

Stop baking a fool of yourself.

Buy and pret-sell.

She can be knead-y.

A sandwich walks into a bar and orders some pretzels.
– The bartender says, “Sorry we don’t serve food here.”

Bread (red) is my favorite color.

All you knead are pretzels.

Doughn’t worry be happy.

Rich toasts are part of the upper crust.

Lip snack-lingly delicious.

I a-dough pretzel-lovers.

Let the grains begin!

A bunch of rioters looted my pretzel shop.
– Unfortunately, they got all my dough.

How could you knot like pretzel puns?

Life is what you bake it!

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