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Purple puns in 2025

Ultra violet light is the one light that is considered to be Autistic. Well, it’s definitely on the spectrum.

Charles Darwin apparently always chooses the Purple One from the Quality Street selection box. This is natural selection.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
– Breathe grandpa, or they will have to put you in the box! (Raisin joke on top)

It is purple/red and makes a nibbling sound when you squat in the grass
– Vegetarian hemorrhoids

A plum got really angry and started shouting at me, so I called it out for purple abuse.

What’s purple and has a queen?
– Grape Britain

Purple is my favorite colour!
I like it more than blue and red combined.

Have you heard about the two ships which collided in the middle of the ocean?
– One was carrying brown paint, the other was carrying purple. The survivors were marooned.

Have you heard of that purple guy who wanted to take over the world?
– They called him Alexander The Grape.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

Roses are red, at least that is true. Violets are purple – they’re just not blue!

My friend and I were in a quiz and a question came up about the color purple. I tried to give my friend a tint, but they just didn’t get it.

Son: What rhymes with purple?
Dad: No it doesn’t

If you visit a website and the Terms and Conditions are in purple, click away from the page immediately. These violet your privacy.

My colorblind friend was pretty down one day. He told me he was feeling really purple.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
– Breathe, damn it! Breathe!

Where do you buy Purple things?
– From the La-vendor.

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