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Rabbit puns in 2025

Hareiet Thumpman

Da Bao (means “big bun” in Chinese)

The bunny hopped out of joy as the Easter parade was eggs-cellent.

A sad rabbit went to his friend’s house, who told him to be ho-ppy and not sad.

Bunny kisses, Easter wishes.

Hareshey’s Chocolate

Hair Force Bun

The two bunnies who got married are planning to go out for a bunny-moon.

The easter bunnies wanted a new job to get more celery

It is good to feel ear-resistible sometimes.

Rabbit Pattinbun


A bunny banged his head while playing the piano
– because he was playing by ear.

This rabbit is getting a documentary made on himself.
– He just became a million-hare.

In my darkest times, my bunnies light me up with a smile.

Jane Doe


The bunny proposed to his girlfriend on Easter; he said, “There is no bunny like you.”

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