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Rabbit puns in 2025


The rabbit jumped off the bridge to save the Easter eggs;
– he was indeed the Easter bungee.

The bee told the rabbit to hop on over, honey bunny.

Bunsen Bunner

Pilsbunny Dough Boy


A rabbit was angry because he accidentally burned his hand.
– So he became a hot cross bunny.

Oyster Bunny is what you get when you cross a rabbit with a shellfish.

Being hop-timistic is what life is all about.

Anita Rabbit


Bugs Bunny is what you get when you cross a rabbit and a garbage bag.

A bunny teacher was so strict that everyone’s hair would stand up in a shock every time he yelled.
– We called him the ‘hare straightener’.

I want to fall down a rabbit hole and land directly in Alice’s Wonderland.

Marilyn Bunroe


An Easter bunny never tells any jokes or rabbit humor
– because he is afraid that he might crack up the Easter eggs.

The husband bunny told his wife that she was “hop stuff”.

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