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Rabbit puns in 2025

Jane Doe


The bunny proposed to his girlfriend on Easter; he said, “There is no bunny like you.”

A health-conscious rabbit visited a fitness trainer; the trainer suggested one bunny hop an hour to keep him fit and healthy.

Ashton Hutcher

Hot Cross Bun


A farm owner had a rabbit housekeeper;
– he was the dust bunny.

A man wore a hat on Easter
– because he did not want anybody to harm the hare on his head.

Whipping my hare back and forth.



A bunny crossed the road
– because he wanted everyone to know that he could hip hop.

This year, the Easter bunny will not be making his usual rounds
– because he was diagnosed with a hare-line fracture.

My bunny’s expressions judge you, not me.

Kylie Bunner


The Easter bunny always stays healthy
– because he likes to get in his eggs-sercise, particularly hare-obics.

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