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Rabbit puns in 2025

A rabbit stole wealth from the rich and gave it to the poor.
He was called Rabbit Hood.

The teen bunny was grumpy the whole day as he had run out hare conditioner.

We all need a bunny who is all ears.

Malala Yousofuzzi


The rabbit jumped off the bridge to save the Easter eggs;
– he was indeed the Easter bungee.

The bee told the rabbit to hop on over, honey bunny.

Bunsen Bunner

Pilsbunny Dough Boy


A rabbit was angry because he accidentally burned his hand.
– So he became a hot cross bunny.

Oyster Bunny is what you get when you cross a rabbit with a shellfish.

Being hop-timistic is what life is all about.

Anita Rabbit


Bugs Bunny is what you get when you cross a rabbit and a garbage bag.

A bunny teacher was so strict that everyone’s hair would stand up in a shock every time he yelled.
– We called him the ‘hare straightener’.

I want to fall down a rabbit hole and land directly in Alice’s Wonderland.

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