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Rain puns in 2025

Man, it’s really downpouring out there

For crying out cloud.

With the kind of weather, it was almost certain that the bride-to-be would get a hoarse throat as she walked through the rain into her bridal shower.

None of us promised the guests that we were to avalanche party because we were not sure of the weather.

Romantic rainy night sunset

I’m singing in the Rain, what a glorious feeling, I’m happy again

I love the smell of rain.

The main difference between the weather and a horse is that one rains down while the other is reined up.

It was just raining ice cream, but now there are just sprinkles.

Raining cannot blossom without the cloud

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise

I love rainy days.

We all went out trying to catch fog, but we mist.

In bad weather you should always keep the horse reined up, especially if it’s raining down hard.

Rainy day is a beautiful day Let’s enjoy it

I hear you cloud and clear.

When it was raining yesterday, I saw a man use ketchup and I got quite shocked. It is only later that I learnt he was taking advantage of the raining cats and hot dogs.

When I thought I was all wrong, everybody kept on telling me, “you are dewing it right.” That was the source of my inspiration.

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