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Rain puns in 2025

For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched like people who smile when it’s raining

A cold drink with dinner, it’s a no rainer.

When the storm begun, the garden party became a bit disorganized and food service was turned to a frost come frost served.

Rainbows are spectacular

Wearing a rain jacket on a rainy day is so refreshing

Cloudspeaker – what clouds use to hear their music really cloud!

Nowadays, people drought the accuracy of weather men because the climatic patterns are so unpredictable.

What do raindrops say in a crowd? Two’s company, three’s a cloud.

Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy day

Rain, rain, don’t go away Stay and play another day

Rainy days don’t stop us from shopping.

Hailing taxes is far much worse than raining buckets.

Yesterday, I said it was raining cats and dogs. I was shocked when I saw a man pull out some ketchup after he heard me say that. I later learned he thought I said it was raining hotdogs!

Rainy days were made for drinking coffee

Celebrate the rain; it only means that the sun shall shine bigger and brighter than ever

Let’s take a trip down memory rain.

Deep in the woods, we followed the tracks through the snow. I wasn’t quite sure whether the path we had followed earlier would have sled us to the right destination.

Rain makes everything cooler

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