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Rain puns in 2025

Rain, rain, don’t go away Stay and play another day

Rainy days don’t stop us from shopping.

Hailing taxes is far much worse than raining buckets.

Yesterday, I said it was raining cats and dogs. I was shocked when I saw a man pull out some ketchup after he heard me say that. I later learned he thought I said it was raining hotdogs!

Rainy days were made for drinking coffee

Celebrate the rain; it only means that the sun shall shine bigger and brighter than ever

Let’s take a trip down memory rain.

Deep in the woods, we followed the tracks through the snow. I wasn’t quite sure whether the path we had followed earlier would have sled us to the right destination.

Rain makes everything cooler

When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles

Cloudmouth – clouds that talk non-stop … loudly!

The winds of change started raining silver, copper, and gold coins.

It’s raining cats and dogs, now there are poodles everywhere.

If it’s not raining, then I’m not walking

I’m looking forward to summer the rain gets warmer

The rain is falling, and so am I.

If you have been observant, any time prior to raining candy, it sprinkles.

The weather report says to expect lots of rain for the next few weeks. I drought it’s right though.

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