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Rain puns in 2025

It never rains, but it purrs.

We visit our parents every snow often.

I have recently learned a little about the weather bureau. It’s an umbrella organization that protects us from all kinds of precipitation.

Let’s cuddle on a rainy day watch old movies and make out

Say it cloud and proud.

The best place meteorologists can stop to get a drink on their way home is the isobar.

It rains money when there is a “change” in the weather.

Raindrops keep falling on my head

I love the rain I want the feeling of it on my face

Oh how I love rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.

The favorite kind of precipitation for a king is hail.

What goes up while the rain goes down? An umbrella.

Hurt is like rain, it will wash away soon

It’s raining in my city but this time the petrichor didn’t bring your fragrance along

Happy rainy day.8

In this life, nothing ventured, nothing rained.

Ensure you save for the rainy day because even your closest friends can give you a cold shoulder.

Fly through a rainbow, and I guarantee you will pass your flight exam with flying colors.

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