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Ramen puns in 2025

Is it souper time yet?

I had actually watched all the very movies of I – RAMEN

He is actually working as the very COAST GUARAMEN

What’s a younger version of ramen? Raboys.

I’m not making friends with anyone who doesn’t like ramen.

You’re my soymate.

NOODLE is actually an art

Do you know that our noodles are flavored?

What do you say after praying for noodles? Ramen.

Ramen in love with you.

Clean your room this instant!

He is actually the very air CRAMEN in that very airlines

A multitude of flavors in a bowl.

Does ramen think about me too?

He’s a very souperstitious person.

My father has his own business and thus he is actually a RAMEN

Do you know that he is actually working on the position of COAST GUARAMEN

That king isn’t really royalty. He’s an uslurper.

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