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Robot puns in 2025

What did one robot say to the other after they got arrested by the police?
– “At least we got charged.”

Robots don’t like apples. It’s because they are androids.

What’s a robot’s favourite country?
– Bots-wana.

Because a robot’s love can’t be bot, they will never cross you.

The robot went to therapy because he always bot-tled up his emotions.

The robot had no choice to to go back to Earth as a ghost when he passed away.
– He just wasn’t able to rust in peace.

I invited some robots over to eat guacamole. They brought their own bag of microchips.

Why is a robot mechanic never lonely?
– Because he’s always making new friends.

My first time teaching robots, one asked me where he should sit. I told him on his robottom.

Robots use cache to pay for everything.

I went to a Mexican robot restaurant. Dell Taco is nothing on Taco Bell.

If you want to cook for a robot, it’s best to make Mexican food. They love silicon carne.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Wire is what the robot book club is currently reading.

When the robot used up all of his cache, he went bankrupt.

What do you call a family of Mexican-American robots?
– Tex Mechs

The robot was embarrassed to get changed. He had software and hardware, but he didn’t have any underware.

I got myself a new robot puppy.
– Dogmatic.

The robot went to the doctor’s office because he felt off. Turns out he has a deadly virus.

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