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Robot puns in 2024

The robot had software and hardware but no underware, which is why he was afraid to get changed.

A robot dog’s bark is worse than his byte.

In robot school, they like to take learning seriously. Every year they read, “All about Robots,” by Cy Borg.

The robot fell in love straight away when he saw his girlfriend. He just couldn’t resistor.

Because he was not able to rust in peace, the robot was forced to go back to Earth as a ghost.

When I put my robot in the bath, it said “that will shower”.

The robot acted strangely
– because of his faulty circuit board.

If you have a friend who’s a robot, they’ll never cross you. They’re loyal because their love can’t be bot.

How do robots eat salsa?
– With micro chips.

This robot is a pro-to-type. He can write 500 robot jokes a minute.

Metal-lica is a robot’s favorite band.

Who do robot Karens like to call?
– The task manager

The robot was in a lot of pain while she was giving birth. It was all the contraptions.

Why did the robot cross the road?
– Because he was programmed to do it.

A robot’s favorite author is Anne Driod.

My new robot dog’s name is Dogmatic.

The robot was getting extremely angry. Everyone was really pushing his buttons.

The music lover robot was sad that his instrument collection could never be truly complete. As much as he tried, he just couldn’t get any organs.

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