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Robot puns in 2025

I met a robot pirate the other day. He greeted me with an, “arrr2D2.”

At the robot funeral, the robots sobbed “Rust in peace, brother.”

At a party I hosted, I served guacamole. The robots brought their own microchips.

The robot got in trouble
– because he is a resistor.

The policeman was mad when he caught the low powered robot for the third time that week. He had to charge him with battery.

The robot decided to go back to school. He felt like he was getting a little bit rusty.

My new friendship has no strings attached, all
– because I got a wireless robot.

Robots love Mexican silicon carne.

What did the police say to the low powered robot ?
– “I’m gonna charge you with battery”

Robots always like to order the same thing from the take out place, they never try anything new.
The order is always computer chips, and raspberry pi for dessert.

What is a robot’s favourite genre of music?
– Heavy metal.

Who knew that there were snowbots in the North Pole.

Why did the robot cross the road?
– He is programmed to do so.

I’ve started to make a robot who can write 500 robot jokes per minute. He’s a pro-to-type.

My girlfriend told me that robots don’t wash themselves. So I put one in the bath, and said, “that will shower.”

The robot needed to be rebooted, so he called the shoe shop.

When it snows, the robots wear their roboots.

The robot could not respond
– because he had no actuator.

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