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Rock puns in 2025

Have a gneiss day.

When is it the only time you’re allowed to throw rocks at girls?
-Only when its diamonds.

I really hate rock puns.
-My sediments exactly.

You know the old saying
– igneous is bliss.

Who is a geologist’s favorite band?
-The Rolling Stones.

You know, it’s totally my fault that the conversation here is eroding, that was never what I sediment.

Sherrock Holmes’ famous line is: “Sedimentary, my dear Watstone.”

Rock the boat

Is it just me or does the geo teacher live a stone’s throw away from the school?

I’m coal as a cucumber!

What do you call a rock that never goes to school?
-A skipping stone!

 I’ve always wanted to become a rock specialist or geologist, until I recently found out how crowded the field is (you know, coz there’s so many of them these days).

Why was the geologist always depressed?
-He had a hard rock life.

It’s a hard rock life for us.

This foundation is rock salad.

Why don’t geologists have many children?
-Because most of their relationships are strictly plutonic.

Did you see the geologist towing a crate of rocks behind his car?
– He had a wide lode sign.

Leave no stone unturned.

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