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Rose puns in 2025

Where, you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow.

Out of all the facial features, eyeb-rose are the funniest.

The rose’s stalker was finally arrested.

The insects were not hovering around the rose flowers because they weren’t sweet enough. I think there was not enough sucrose content in the plant.

I did not expect my father to be so good at gardening. He ex-seeded my expectations.

A rose is very pure. It does not think of the other roses around it as competition. It just does its best to bloom.

A thorn only defends the rose.

You prickle my fancy.

The girl was sad that her roses did not bloom. She said it was bud omen.

The roses were close friends. Their friendship was almost unbeleafable.

The rose is the flower and handmaiden of love

I love reading old p-roses.

Put the petal to the metal.

The old man always brings home a bunch of beautiful flowers for his wife. He is very generose.

A rose cannot blossom without sunshine.

A rose’s rarest pith lives in the storm.

Rhinoce-rose – A rose with a thorn on its head.

A rose’s stalked his friend’s crush on social media to get some information.

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