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Rose puns in 2025

A man grew a beautiful bed of roses. He said if he tries hard, he will suc-seed.

When life throws thorns, hunt for roses.

No more tears and sor-rose.

Don’t be so root, learn some manners.

It was a dull day, but I saw a pink colored rose. I look at the bright seed of things.

People are very similar to roses. Each rose needs its own time to bloom well.

Take some time out to stop and smell the roses.

Prick and choose.

Those flowers could not survive in cold climates. So, they frose.

The florist was worried when his flowers were not blooming. He said, “what’s stomata?”

True value is in the delicacy of your petals.
– A rose that doesn’t wilt is not a real rose.

What’s up my b-rose.

I will seed you later.

When my mom bargained with the florist for the rose bouquet, the florist said, “Take it or leaf it.”

The old flower gets very happy when he sees younger flowers bloom well. He remembers his youth and says, “Rose were the days!”

A rose must remain with both the sun and the rain.

What are your New Year’s rose-olutions?

Jack and the bean-stalk – A little rose’s favorite bedtime story.

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