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Sandwich puns in 2024

The best place to get an Indian sandwich is at the New Delhi.

The sandwich wins over friends easily when he tells them,
– “You can all crust me.”

Lest we baguette.

When I open my restaurant, I refused to make my own sandwiches,
– and instead relied on subcontractors.

What do you call a pun sandwich?
– A Punini.

When you see a cannibal eating a sandwich,
– that is a sub human.

That joke was sub-par.

Keep your bread above the water.

I was making a sandwich and all of a sudden it flew away.
– I guess my butterflies!

The sandwich place near me doesn’t have any employees
– Apparently they are all subcontractors

I was born and bread in a small town of sandwich.

They both went bread to bread.

The tomato turned red because it saw the sandwich dressing.

What do elves make sandwiches with?
– Shortbread.

The best snack for the beach is a sand-wich.

When putting their kids to bed, the mother told them,
– “I could have made you sandwich,
– but it is past your bread time.”

All the fame has gone to his bread.

The pilot preferred his sandwich plane.

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