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Sandwich puns in 2025

Lettuce go one by one, otherwise we’ll get jammed!

What do you get when you eat a sandwich in bed?
– Bedcrumbs.

Where do you think golfers go to eat?
– At the sand-wedge shop.

You will never understand the upper crust because it is always the most sophisticated bread.

Come a grain?

If the earth was one giant sandwich,
– the entire population would be in-bread.

It’s amazing how a colon can completely change the meaning of a sentence.
– For example: “Jane ate her friend’s sandwich” vs “Jane ate her friend’s colon”.

When I open my restaurant, I refused to make my own sandwiches,
– and instead relied on subcontractors.

She’s a great roll-model.

You’re such a crust-worthy person.

Having a sandwich is the best way to fill the gap between trains.

What kind of fish do you put on peanut butter sandwich?
– A jellyfish.

The only thing that is yellow and white and travels 500 miles per hour is the pilot egg sandwich.

The most dramatic type of sandwich is the ham.

But one, baguette one free!

Here today, gone tomato.

What is yellow and white and travels at 500 miles per hour?
– A pilot’s egg sandwich.

The tomato turned red because it saw the sandwich dressing.

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