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Sandwich puns in 2025

The successful box told the reporter that his secret to winning every match is to have knuckle sandwiches for every meal.

Wheat took our time.

I was born and bread in the small town of Sandwich.

A boy boards a bus with a sandwich in his hand.
– The bus driver says: ” hey, this ain’t a restaurant, kid!”
– The boy replies: “I know. That’s why I brought my own food.”

Before I breakdown the sandwich,
– I want to say that I loaf you.

I’m barley getting by.

Baguette it, you wouldn’t understand.

I’m so grilled to see you!

I left my sandwich in the elevator at work. I wanted to take my lunch to the next level.

The children of the two slices of the ham sandwich that married each other were all in bread.

I crust you!

A butter pill to swallow.

I saw a sign in a cafe that said they serve breakfast at any time.
– I asked for a bacon sandwich during the Industrial Revolution.

Bread broker with margarine because of a butter lover.

What does the sandwich say to his girlfriend?
– “I loaf you a lot. You butter believe it!”

Pull your wheat.

Do not ever try to eat a chess sandwich because it would be such a stale mate.

What do you use to make an Argument Sandwich?
– Disagree-dients.

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