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School puns in 2025

You should read while sunbathing. You will become well-red.

“My Little and I go together like PB&J.”

Better read than dead.

When the Chemistry teacher broke his leg, it turned out to be a compound fracture.

When the buffalo dropped his kid off at school, he waved and said, “Bison.”

Life is pointless without geometry.

My daughter told me she saw a deer on the way to school.
– Me: “How do you know it was going to school?”

Every book has some flaws and mistakes, no matter how good the editor. It’s bound to happen.

At first, I was so nervous about English, but now I am past tense.

Wizards and witches go to Hogwarts to learn how to spell.

“Sorry, I can’t hang tonight. I’m totally booked at the library.”

Why is John Milton a terrible guest at game nights?
– Because when he’s around, there’s a pair of dice lost.

Take a page from the book and leaf.

The chemistry teacher made horrible puns periodically.

The day the students read letters from their pen pals is a read letter day.

One time I told a chemistry joke but there was no reaction.

“Donut make me get out of bed for class.”

The high school music teacher was controversial for having his students read band books.

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