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Seal puns in 2025

How do you close a letter under the sea?
– With a seal!

Seal you later!

What is a seals favorite subject?
– Art Art Art Art!!!

What do you call a seal that can also defend the country?
– A navy seal.

Why did the seal cross the road?
– Because it was the chicken’s day off.

Keep calm and love seals.

What’s the difference between a seal and a sealion?
– ion

The Russians just canceled their undercover Penguin program
– they found out we have NAVY Seals

One baby seal was pressured by other seals to jump off. Talk about pier pressure.

That pun is so seally!

Why do seals swim in salt water?
– Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

What do seals do when they need medical attention?
– Sea kelp

I recently took a trip to Alaska. We ate at a fancy restaurant where the chef made us an amazing meal from native animals and vegetables we helped forage. I asked if he had ever had whale blubber or seal meat.
– He said nah, I’m not really Inuit.

It’s fun preparing for your party and I hope to have your seal of approval!

Seal puns are snow joking matter.

What do astronomer seals study?
– Seal-lestial bodies.

What do you call a handsome seal?
– Mr. Seal Yo Girl

It is important to practice seal-f care.

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