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Seal puns in 2025

What is a seal’s favorite shape?
– Seal-linder.

What is a seal’s favorite subject in school?
– Art

You are seal-liously cute!

What sort of music do seals like?
– Sole.

Seal pups are hunted at 14 days old, doesn’t that sound like a baby to you?

Baby seal walks into a club
– What a tragedy…

Why do Navy SEALs fall backwards off of their boats?
– Because if they fell forwards they’d still be on the boat!

If seals had a favorite shape, it would be seal-lyndrical.

I got that lawn mower from a yard seal. (sale)

What does a polar bear call a seal on a skateboard?
– Meals on Wheels.

What does a seal study in school?
– Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, ….

Why can’t a seal be a DJ
– Because they are afraid of club hits

I hope you are hungry enough for your seal-lebratory birthday meal!

Seals are such blubber-mouths.

What do you call a seal couple?
– Seal mates.

Navy seal
– Dammit, why can’t I be grey or brown like all the other seals?

The seal crossed the road to get to the other tide.

Why are seals good at motor racing?
– Because they are often in pole position.

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