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Seal puns in 2025

What was the seal’s favorite subject in school?

You are seal-ly if you think we won’t celebrate your birthday!

Pup-tato – A baby potato seal.

What sort of music do seals like?
– Sole.

What do you call a seal with an extra electron?
– A sea lion!

What kind of cinemas do seals go to?
– Dive in cinemas!

Seal it with a kiss.

All seals live at the same elevation
– Seal level.

What do you call an electrically charged seal?
– A seal ion.

What does Harry Potter use when sealing packages?
– His Parceltongue.

If you see a seal that loves seeing the stars, then it likes seal-lestial bodies.

I have a pure seal (zeal) for animal puns.

What do you call a seal in the desert?
– Lost.

I just realized that I forgot to seal all my spices in airtight containers.
– I’m expecting to have a bad thyme.

What’s a seal’s favorite social activity?
– Clubbing…

I’m so sorry

What sort of cinemas do seals go to?
– Dive ins.

Sea you later!

Why do seals carry fish in their mouth?
– Because they don’t have pockets.

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