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Sewing puns in 2025

You can make fun about my knitting, but remember, I’m the one with the pointy sticks.

Every time I start sewing, I can knot find my needles.

He just can’t stop making jokes on denim, seems like it’s in his jeans.

Me: What a serger of puns.

Two sewing machines were walking down the road. As they pass by each other one says to the other “Hey are you that Singer?” The other replies “Janome?”.

Dear Lord, please let me come home before my online orders of fabric arrives. Or at least before my husband.

A porcupine’s favorite hobby is quilting.

Stop procrasti-knit-ting: leaving all the work and start knitting.

You should stop those sewing jokes. You are running out of good material

How did you know my wife just started sewing? She never finishes her quilting projects.

I’m not easily distracted, I… wait is that fabric you have laying over there?

I have been telling so many sewing jokes lately that I am out of material.

When I sat to stitch, I found out that the stitching matching was broken. It was my last stitch effort.

“I’m only hugging you to see if that fabric is wool or polyester.”

What did the tailor think of her new job? It was sew sew!

Of course I talk to myself when I sew. Sometimes I need expert advice.

Eat, knit, laugh, repeat.

I needle the help I can get for this sewing project.

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