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Shark puns in 2025

It was fin talking to you.

what’s a shark’s fav coffee shop ? Shark -bucks.

How does shark greet a fish ? pleased to eat you.

where do loneky sharks go to find companionship ? Sand bars .

There’s some-fin about the way he walks

Don’t de-bait me.You wont win this bait.

I just saw a huge killer fish singing and playing guitar in city centre i think it must
be a busking shark.

That was a snappy comeback.

what’s shark’s favourite song ? Don’t stop Be-reef-ing.

Her voice was so soo-fin

what did thr shark say when he bit the fishing line ? I am hooked.

who give sharks present on christmas? Santa Jaws !

there’s some-fin that i like about you.

Is that a fish or some-fin else ?

Gangster shark to man .. shark my words,you’re dead man.

there’s no-fin else i can do.

There’s just some-fin about you ..

well,there is no need to get snappy

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