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Sheep puns in 2025

Cross a sheep with a kangaroo and get a woolly jumper

Where does a sheep go as a place of worship? A sheeple.

Life is sheep

Cud you stop it please?

How would you describe an old sheep? Pasture prime.

Might as wool

Where do lambs take a bath? In the baaaa-th tub

Wool you be my valentine?

Your herd it here first.

​Musical instrument – tubaaa

What is a sheep’s favorite snack? A granola baaar.

sheep thrills.

Hoofinished the last bit of coconut icecream?

All’s wool that end’s wool.

Are you a merin-or a pilot or something?

Where do sheep go to watch funny videos? Ewe Tube.

Abandon sheep!

Stop me if you’ve herd this one

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