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Shrimp puns in 2025

Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?
– Because he was a little shellfish.

What are you shrimp-lying?

I cannot eat shrimp, lobsters and clams that have been cooked by heated water vapor….
– I have shellfish steamed issues.

Why has there been a dramatic decrease in the shrimp population?
– There are too many Shellfish Fishermen!

Shrimp won’t share because they’re shellfish.

The shrimp doctor was used to handling a lot of patients. When patients got worried about his diagnosis, he just showed them his pacifications.

Shrimps that have to travel to other oceans generally whale a carp.

It was shrimp-ulsive.

You want the names of the tiny shrimp secret agents?
– Sure, I could tell you…but then I’d have to krill you.

What do you call a shrimp that keeps getting hurt?
– Accident prawn

I got it from the prawn shop.

We got the prawns medal.

My friend, a shimp called Bart, is always getting injured. I guess he’s just prawn to accidents.

The mother shrimp was worried that her presents wouldn’t be shrimperfect for her children.

You’ll be prawn to hunger if you don’t eat now.

I really like shrimp-fried rice.
– It’s amazing how they can hold that big skillet in their tiny little claws.

I’ll never be friends with a crawfish or a shrimp
They’re just two shellfish

You’re shrimp-ortant to me.

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